Frequently Asked Questions

Where was the album recorded?
It was recorded in Plymouth and Boston, MA.

Are real students singing on the album?
Yes, 28 elementary students all from Plymouth, MA.

How many schools were involved in the recording?
Six (6) Plymouth Public elementary schools took part.

Do you offer school performances?
Yes, Candido will come to your school.

What is your target audience?
Pre-K through Grade 3.

What is the maximum audience size?
Typical audiences run from 100-300.

Is it a multimedia show?
Yes. Students enjoy a video presentation that combines snippets of the Plymouth students’ 2 recording sessions with images from the storybook. Candido plays guitar, bass, sings and narrates the story from start to finish live!

What is the length of your show?
40-50 minutes.

What is the reset time between shows?
10 minutes.

Set-up and tear-down times?
Set-up: 60 minutes. Tear down: 60 minutes.
Both can be accomplished in a small space along one wall of a gymnasium or multi-purpose room allowing the school to continue with a regular schedule during those times.

Do you require a PA system?
No. We use the premium quality Bose L1 Model 1S system with B2 bass subwoofer.

Do you require anything?
A clean, dry and clear space and electricity.

Do you offer a Post-Show Workshop(s)?
Yes. Upon request the storybook author (schedule permitting) and songwriter will each a conduct 60 minute workshop.

How much does the assembly cost?
Pricing varies depending on location, size of the audience and availability. Budget pricing is available. Contact us for details.