Rockin’ The Secrets of Plymouth Rock
An elementary school musical by Tyler Ferreira based on the story The Secrets of Plymouth Rock by Diane L. Finn, with music and lyrics by Candido Bretto.
A Plymouth elementary school teacher takes her students on a field trip to see and learn about Plymouth Rock, and the Rock comes to life. Children learn about Plymouth Rock and the pilgrims, 1620-1930, from the rock itself.
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INTERNAL CLASSROOM - DAY Elementary students talk in groups as the teacher shuffles through papers at her desk. One student sits alone. The BELL SOUNDS. TEACHER Alrighty everyone, to your seats please. I have a special lesson planned for today based on the history that took place in this very town! The students settle in at their desks. TEACHER (CONT’D) Before we begin, I’d like to welcome our new student, Abigail. The class turns to the student who was sitting alone. TEACHER (CONT’D) Abigail’s family just moved back to Plymouth from Florida. Let’s make her feel at home, can we say hello? CLASS Hi Abigail. ABBY Umm, actually everyone just calls me Abby. CLASS Hi Abby. TEACHER Alrighty, now let’s get to it. Today we’re gonna learn about Plymouth Rock and the history that took place in our own backyard. WILL You mean the rock in the cage downtown? TEACHER Hey, Will, let’s try raising our hand next time before asking a question, ok? But yes, I’m talking about the rock on the waterfront, and it’s not in a cage. It’s a monument. Have you all visited the rock before? Most of the students nod. TEACHER (CONT’D) Do you all know the story behind the Plymouth Rock? Fewer students nod. Well, it’s ok if you don’t, because we’re all going on a field trip to visit the rock! EXTERNAL PLYMOUTH ROCK - DAY The class gathers around their teacher and the group looks down at Plymouth Rock. TEACHER So, I’m sure you’ve all been here before, but would you believe this big rock hasn’t always been in this spot? STUDENT 1 It hasn’t? How can a rock move? TEACHER We’ll get to that. First, we have to look back into history for the answer. Play song #1: Secrets To Tell |