STUDENT 3 So Mr. Rock, what would you do all day sitting here? Weren’t you bored? PLYMOUTH ROCK Sometimes, but it’s hard to get bored with a view like this. It was quiet some days and loud on others. Sometimes the storms would make me nervous, but on calm days I had so much to look at. Watching the seagulls fly all around me was my favorite. STUDENT 4 I love watching them fly too. I see huge flocks at the beach. It must be so neat to fly. PLYMOUTH ROCK I know. I often dreamed about flying. ABBY I’ve flown before. CLASS You have? ABBY Not by myself, but in a plane! We went way higher than the seagulls. PLYMOUTH ROCK I used to see one particular seagull often. I gave him the name Mr. Seagull. Play song #3: Mr. Seagull