Plymouth Rock Comes To Life!

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Welcome to, home of Rockin’ The Secrets of Plymouth Rock music perfect for the 400th anniversary of Thanksgiving 1621-2021. Listen as 28 Plymouth, Massachusetts elementary students sing their hearts out as the “Voice of Plymouth Rock” on an album 400 years in the making! Singing are students from Cold Spring, Nathaniel Morton, West, South, Federal Furnace, and Hedge elementary schools. Plymouth Rock, the steppingstone of America’s forefathers located on Plymouth, Massachusetts’ waterfront, receives an average of one million visitors each year. The book, lyrics and music combine to present the rock in a way never heard before, it sings!

Based on the storybook “The Secrets of Plymouth Rock” by Diane Finn, the album features the orchestration and instrumental talents of three South Korean Berklee College of Music seniors and three Japanese Berklee College of Music seniors. The album is an amazing feat that took over two years for Bretto to complete. The recording project has provided the students with an experience they’ll remember for a lifetime and a donation of $1,200 from Bretto to the Plymouth Public Schools elementary music program for their participation.

We hope you will help support the arts and consider purchasing this album. This album reflects the America the pilgrims dreamed of, where people from from around the world came together and make something beautiful, together.

Purchase the USB flash drive version of the album today!