The Singers

Cold Spring Elementary School Plymouth MA

Singing “Secrets To Tell” and “Have You Ever Visited Me?” is,
Cold Spring Elementary School, Plymouth, MA
Bella Arvidson, Connor Ready, John Burke and Zoe Melody.
Led by teacher Katherine Krampf.

Nathaniel Morton Elementary School Plymouth MA

Singing “Fine Day” and “Mr. Seagull” is,
Nathaniel Morton Elementary School, Plymouth, MA
Abigail Alves, Anthony Martins, Ava Ross-Sinkier, Collin Fox and Josie Ball.
Led by teacher Kristin Fonseca.
Back row Johnny Drama Alves of A&E’s Wahlburgers and Candido Bretto
Drama graciously offered his private studio in support of the project.

West Elementary School Plymouth MA

Singing “Madame Crab” and “A Speck in the Distance” is,
West Elementary School, Plymouth, MA
Callie Eldridge, Cassandra Sowdon, Grace Lamoureaux
Mackenzie Crawford and Maya Salmone.
Led by teacher Christina Friedmann Runnals.

South Elementary School Plymouth MA

Singing “Thank The Lord For This Large Rock” and “To Town Square” is,
South Elementary School, Plymouth, MA
Alice Duffy, Bria Roberts, Gabriella Moss, Henry Dunn and Zachary Hogge.
Led by teacher Karen DeVoe pictured with Candido Bretto.

Federal Furnace Elementary School Plymouth MA

Singing “Ouch Stop That!” and “Protect This Rock” is,
Federal Furnace Elementary School, Plymouth, MA
Katie Power, Mary Pizano, Sophie Hall and Tess Driscoll
Led by teacher Taylor Nardone.

Hedge Elementary School Plymouth MA

Singing “Sights and Sounds of the Sea” and “New and Wonderful Home” is,
Hedge Elementary School, Plymouth, MA
Giavana Takahashi, Julianna De Souza, Nathyn Labbe,
Nora Geary and Olivia Cleland.
Led by teacher Alexandra Macisso pictured with Candido Bretto.