28 Students, 6 Schools, 2 Days, 1 Rock

On Saturday May 4 and Saturday May 11, 2019 some Plymouth elementary school students got an opportunity to see what it was like to sing in a professional recording studio. 28 students from Cold Spring, Nathaniel Morton, West, South, Federal Furnace and Hedge elementary schools took part in a recording project of Candido Bretto’s called “The Secrets of Plymouth Rock.” Candido composed 12 songs based on a storybook of the same name written by Diane Finn and illustrated by Erin Finn Zell. The students were recorded singing at Johnny Drama Alves’ Funk Lab recording studio located here in Plymouth. EdTV was there also capturing video for future airing.

“From the time I began writing the songs I knew they needed children to be complete. It’s like a dream come true to hear all of their sweet, precious voices.” -Candido Bretto

A big “thank you” goes out to all of the music teachers. You saw the importance of this project and took time out of your personal lives to make this recording project happen. A special “thank you” goes to Taylor Nardone of Federal Furnace elementary school for enthusiastically presenting the project to the schools. Taylor was there for each school’s performance and assisted in many ways so “Thank you Taylor!”

A great big “thank you” goes out to the parents who willingly gave up a couple of hours on a Saturday to bring their child to the studio. Last but not least, thank you to all of the students. I had so much fun watching you in front of the microphones in the Funk Lab. You made me laugh, made me cry but most of all made me proud and you should be proud too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the new voice of Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims. From what I’ve heard thus far folks will be enjoying your voices for a long time to come.

You can hear snippets of the students as they are added to our Songs page.

The CD will be accompanying the book in local stores and gift shops. It will also be available for download here and at online stores.