
  1. The Secrets of Plymouth Rock by Diane L. Finn
  2. From 1620 to 2020: A look back at the Mayflower landing.
  3. Plymouth Massachusetts 1620-2020
  4. About 2020 | Mayflower Heritage and History
  5. A Fresh Take on the Mayflower’s History
  6. Plans for the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower
  7. The Mayflower Sets Sail
  8. The 400th anniversary of the Pilgrims journey
  9. Mayflower 400 and Beyond 1620-2020
  10. America’s Museum of Pilgrims Possessions
  11. The 400th Anniversary of the Landing of the Pilgrims

A New Plymouth Rock Song

Plymouth Rock has a new Plymouth Rock Song and it’s called Have You Ever Visited Me? It was written by Candido Bretto. Take a listen to 4th and 5th graders from Cold Spring Elementary School of Plymouth, Massachusetts as they sing it.

[cpm-player id=”33″ /]

Copyright 2017 Candido Bretto

Have you ever visited me in Plymouth, Massachusetts?
I’m the proudest little rock you’ve ever seen
Wanna pop on by feel free, you don’t need an invitation
To see my rockin’ place in history

I’m smaller than I once was, yet I’m stronger and it’s because
The folks in Plymouth take great care of me

I’ve got a house down by the sea, I’d love your company
I’m Plymouth Rock, have you ever visited
Well if not, do consider it
What a spot, have you ever visited me?

What do you think about the kid’s performance and the new Plymouth Rock song? We think they were great and so is the song. But of course, we’re a little biased as we feel the words and music came directly from the rock and the pilgrims through a force of nature yet to be understood by man LOL. More on that later.

Click here to listen to 11 more songs from “Rockin’ The Secrets of Plymouth Rock!”

Click here to find out information about the book the songs are based on, The Secrets of Plymouth Rock by Diane Finn.

It’s Party Time

That’s right it’s party time! The CDs are done and they’re ready for the public. I’m very excited! We’re having a party at the Mayflower Society House on October 27, 2019 at 1pm. I’ll be there and so will author Diane Finn and illustrator Erin Finn Zell. It’s my and Michelle’s way of saying “Thank you”. CDs and books will be available for purchase. Author Diane Finn will also have “I Know the Secrets of Plymouth Rock” t-shirts for the students. This journey began for me in February 2017 when I wrote the foundation of the lyrics. I finished the foundation of the music later that year on Christmas Eve. It felt like a gift. Now it’s time to celebrate that gift and thank those Plymouth students, parents and teachers who took part in this unique musical project!

Where: Mayflower Society House, 4 Winslow St Plymouth, MA 02360
When: Sunday, 10/27/19
Time: 1-2pm
Public: 2pm

The Voice of Plymouth Rock

On December 18, 1620, everything changed for an ordinary rock when what started out as “A Speck In The Distance” from the shore became the ship Mayflower. 1620-2020 is a long period of time. During that time a lot happened to Plymouth Rock. Diane Finn’s “The Secrets of Plymouth Rock,” tells the story of what happened from 1620-1920.

In 1920 there was the “Voice Of Plymouth Rock” at the 300th Anniversary of the Landing of the Mayflower in Plymouth. 100 years later, the rock’s voice is heard once again. Only this time it sounds like 28 Plymouth elementary school students singing their hearts out. The album is coming out in October. We may even have a CD release party at the Mayflower Society House in the early Fall. Stay tuned!


Pilgrim Songs
Rockin’ The Secrets of Plymouth Rock – The Karaoke Movie



With the 400th Anniversary of the Landing of the Pilgrims right around the corner “Rockin’ The Secrets of Plymouth Rock” is the perfect way for elementary students around the US to celebrate along with the students of Plymouth Massachusetts. The themes of the 400th celebration are innovation, exploration, self-governance, religious expression, immigration, and thanksgiving. “The Secrets of Plymouth Rock” and “Rockin’ The Secrets of Plymouth Rock Play together touch upon each theme, teaching Early American history through music.



28 Students, 6 Schools, 2 Days, 1 Rock

On Saturday May 4 and Saturday May 11, 2019 some Plymouth elementary school students got an opportunity to see what it was like to sing in a professional recording studio. 28 students from Cold Spring, Nathaniel Morton, West, South, Federal Furnace and Hedge elementary schools took part in a recording project of Candido Bretto’s called “The Secrets of Plymouth Rock.” Candido composed 12 songs based on a storybook of the same name written by Diane Finn and illustrated by Erin Finn Zell. The students were recorded singing at Johnny Drama Alves’ Funk Lab recording studio located here in Plymouth. EdTV was there also capturing video for future airing.

“From the time I began writing the songs I knew they needed children to be complete. It’s like a dream come true to hear all of their sweet, precious voices.” -Candido Bretto

A big “thank you” goes out to all of the music teachers. You saw the importance of this project and took time out of your personal lives to make this recording project happen. A special “thank you” goes to Taylor Nardone of Federal Furnace elementary school for enthusiastically presenting the project to the schools. Taylor was there for each school’s performance and assisted in many ways so “Thank you Taylor!”

A great big “thank you” goes out to the parents who willingly gave up a couple of hours on a Saturday to bring their child to the studio. Last but not least, thank you to all of the students. I had so much fun watching you in front of the microphones in the Funk Lab. You made me laugh, made me cry but most of all made me proud and you should be proud too. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are the new voice of Plymouth Rock and the Pilgrims. From what I’ve heard thus far folks will be enjoying your voices for a long time to come.

You can hear snippets of the students as they are added to our Songs page.

The CD will be accompanying the book in local stores and gift shops. It will also be available for download here and at online stores.

Children’s Music

Yuki Kodama
Yuki Kodama

Plymouth Rock News you can use. Friday, April 22, 2019 I blocked 6 hours at Cybersound Recording Studios in Boston to record children’s music, 12 songs. I came prepared with Finale sheet music and a clear vision of what I was looking for. At the suggestion of Perry Geyer Cybersound’s owner I hired Yuki Kodama to play acoustic bass. An electric bass player myself the bass was an deeply important role. No surprise though. Perry’s recommendation was right on! Yuki read my sheet music accurately and played with lots of emotion. What more could I ask for? Mr. Kodama is a senior at my alma mater, Berklee College of Music Boston. I wish him all the best in his music career!



Yuki Kanesaka
Yuki Kanesaka

Also at the suggestion of Perry I entrusted Yuki Kanesaka to play drums. The Secrets of Plymouth Rock encompasses numerous styles of music from waltzes to rock to marches to rhythm and blues. This can be challenging to some drummers but not to Yuki Kanesaka. Yuki was solid as a Rock. Bass and drums need to lock and Mr. Kanesaka laid down a groove with a nice big pocket! Yuki understood my requirements and offered me choices that were very useful. Mr. Kanesaka possesses the winning combination of knowledge, skill and a love of playing his instrument. He followed my piano intuitively. Yuki Kanesaka is a professor and also an alumnus of Berklee College of Music Boston.



Yohei Kambe
Yohei Kambe

Yohei Kambe demonstrates his drumming talents on “Sights and Sounds of the Sea”. Yohei style of playing was exactly what I was looking for. Yohei said, “That tune was fun to play for me.” I can tell. It came through on the recording. The imagery I was trying to create with this song was young children playing on the beach. His cymbal work was Perfect. It conjured up the vision of little feet running on the sand. Instinctively he left room for the timpanis that were added later to simulate the building up of the waves then the crash of the cymbals to simulate the crashing of the waves. I couldn’t have asked for more. One take, that’s all it took.

ArtWeek Music Drives Us Grant

Introducing, “Rocking The Secrets of Plymouth Rock”


Plymouth Rock News you can use. It gives me great pleasure to announce that I’ve been selected as a 2019 ArtWeek grant recipient for a $250.00 Music Drives Us performance grant. On April 9 I will be presented with a check at the Boch Wang Center in Boston. I am so excited. It’s always nice to be recognized for your hardwork even if it is a labor of love. The grant is in support of a performance coming up on Saturday April 27, 2019.

blankAs part of ArtWeek author Diane Finn & I will be presenting the story and music on April 27 at the Mayflower Society House located at 4 Winslow St., Plymouth MA from 1 PM to 3:30 PM. The event is called, “Rockin’ The Secrets of Plymouth Rock” Meet author Diane Finn and myself as we share the story and music for The Secrets of Plymouth Rock.

At this program you will be able to:
1. Hear the story of the rock read by the author.
2. Purchase an autographed book from the author.
3. Listen and sing along with the songs composed by Candido Bretto.
4. Take a quick stroll to Plymouth rock with the author and composer as Diane gives you more historic details about the rock’s journey. (Sponsored by Plymouth Night Tours)
5. Return to the Mayflower Society House for a brief activity.

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